Prof. Javed Khan

prof.javedkhanAs patrons of Oriental Education Society, we believe that the gift of education never dries out. We believe that creating an environment where knowledge can be imparted to humanity would be the best medium by which one can serve the society.

Oriental Insritute of Management at the Vashi campus is bound to play a cardinal role in the field of management education especially in this part of the world, ably supported by excellent pedagogy and sound infrastructure.

Down the line we hope that OIM would bloom into a global management learning center not only catering to the needs of the corporate world, but also seekers of knowledge, intelligentsia and academicians on the whole with due contributions to the demands of policy makers.

The growing economic strength of India can be sustained only by qualified professionals who can give expertise in the various tenets of management gamut.

In this direction our Institute at the Vashi campus Oriental Institute of Management,should be credited with the launching of management programmes, namely MMS(Master in Management Stuties), MMM (Master in Marketing Management)& MFM (Master in Financial Management) With due approvals from AICTE, (Ministry of HRD) , DTE ( Govt of Maharastra) and University Of Mumbai. In the next academic year we propose to start the MCA programme with due regulatory permissions.

Launching of short term management development programmes are also on the agenda.

In this age of growing globalisation, collaborative programmes with support from reputed universities from abroad is also mandated by our institute in due course of time.

Mr. Waseem Khan
Managing Director

Dear Students

waseem_sirOn behalf of the Oriental Education Society (OES), I extend my warm welcome.
The challenging time of World Economy in general and Indian Economy in particular demands paradigm shift in the academic learning and development approach. Since 1991, we have become global village that has posed fresh opportunities and new threats. Every academic institution has its own culture, values, size and practices. With more than 400 qualified and professionally experienced faculties and around 8000 students, we strive hard to design new pedagogy for teaching, new process

for ensuring analytical ability and new approach to evaluate its practical application. Our experienced faculty and dedicated office staff are our strengths, who will feel happy to serve you always. Our dedicated staff is aware of the responsibility they have for ensuring our students have a positive and fulfilling experience.

The time of Six Semesters you spend with our institution is precious and cannot be repeated. We recognise the confidence you place in us during this crucial period of your graduation course.
Wish you successful academic career ahead during graduation.



Dear Students,

“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself” -John Dewey
Dear Students,
We at Oriental College of Commerce and Management aims to nurture the curiosity of our youth and lead them to understand the worth of ‘kindness’ and humanity as they move ahead in their path of success.
The objective of the college is to provide quality education for excellence with fine exposure to practical knowledge of industry and business houses.
Keeping with the vision, mission and goals set by the founder of the institution, Prof. Javed Khan we are continuously striving to reach to higher and higher level of standard in the field of education.
We at OCCM try to understand the concepts of our youth, try to tap their potential and help in realization of this potential by careful nurturing and encouragement.
As rightly said, Discipline is the key to success, discipline at OCCM campus is emphasized and we inculcate in them the value of time- Discipline and punctuality among students, plays a pivotal role in shaping their future and helps them to soar to great heights.
I am proud to say that we have qualified and dedicated teaching staff, good library, spacious classrooms, Gymkhana and well equipped computer lab.
The nerve center of all our endeavors is our students and to nourish this sapling in to a youthful spirited icon of tomorrow is what we all aspire to. Thus at OCCM the students are nurtured to serve as torch bearers to ignite many more minds and to strive ahead with vision and dedication.


Dr. Abdul Aziz Shaikh